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☕️ Reasons to Prefer Java's New I/O for Working With Files

January 16, 2023

If you’re like me, you associate the java.nio package introduced in Java 1.7 with nonblocking IO. For years, I ignored the java.nio.file sub-package, because I was not working with the nonblocking IO types in java.nio. I wrongly assumed that meant I did not need to consider the types in java.nio.file. What I eventually came to learn is the “n” in java.nio does not stand for nonblocking; rather, it stands for new (according to JSR 51).

Referring to java.nio.file, JSR 51 says it introduces “an improved file system interface”. More than a decade after the release of this improved file system interface, I find that Java developers still feel more comfortable writing code that uses java.io.File instead. In this article, we’ll explore some reasons why it’s time to consider using java.nio.file instead of java.io.File in your next Java project.

Error Handling

Consider the following java.io.File code for creating a directory:

var dir = new File("my-new-directory");
if (!file.mkdir()) {
  // failed to make directory, handle error

Note the error case. The mkdir method returns a boolean that indicates whether the directory was created. It’s too easy for developers to forget to check the boolean returned by mkdir and handle this case.

Even when developers do remember to check the returned boolean, all they know is that the directory wasn’t created. They can’t know if this is an error they should ignore or not. Was the directory not created, because the directory already exists or because someone ripped the hard drive out? We can’t tell.

Rather than returning a boolean, throwing an exception is an idiomatic way to do error handling in Java. The java.nio.file APIs throw exceptions to communicate errors. Consider the same code using java.nio.file:

var dir = Paths.get("my-new-directory")
try {
} catch (FileAlreadyExistsException ignored) {
} catch (IOException e) {
  // something horrible has happened

Here, we can use different exception types to handle cases differently. There’s more information communicated in these exceptions than simply a returned false.

This example only considered the “creating a directory” use case, but this pattern may be found throughout the APIs for working with the file system. “Better error handling” is an improvement that any Java program can benefit from.

File System Abstraction

The java.nio.file package introduces a FileSystem abstraction for modeling a file system. Of course, most use cases will only ever use the default FileSystem (returned by FileSystems.getDefault()), but this is a powerful concept that allows for more advanced use cases.

My favorite use case for this abstraction is leveraging an in-memory file system like google/jimfs. This can be particularly useful for speeding up automated tests that perform a lot of file system operations with small files, because the in-memory file system is so much faster than a file system on disk.

Consider this test set-up example that injects an in-memory file system into a class MyDocumentManager that performs a lot of file system operations.

class MyDocumentManagerTest {

  private FileSystem fs;
  private MyDocumentManager documents;

  void before() {
    fs = Jimfs.newFileSystem(Configuration.unix());
    // inject in-memory file system into MyDocumentManager for testing
    documents = new MyDocumentManager(fs);

  void after() {

Cloud storage is another good use case for this abstraction. Google Cloud’s com.google.cloud.storage.contrib.nio package makes available a Google Cloud Storage backed FileSystem. With this implementation, Java programs can access data in Google Cloud Storage with the same APIs they use to access files on disk.

Path path = Paths.get(URI.create("gs://bucket/lolcat.csv"));
List<String> lines = Files.readAllLines(path, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

To benefit most from this abstraction, developers must be mindful not to inadvertently couple their code to the default file system. This coupling happens when users call APIs that reference the static global FileSystems.getDefault(). Typically, this happens inadvertently via other static accessors like Path.of:

class MyDocumentManager {

  private String root;

  public void save(String name, InputStream is) {
    var path = Path.of(root, name); // ⚠️ Inadvertently couples to default file system
    Files.copy(is, path);

Instead, developers should apply good inversion of control practices when working with the file system. That is, prefer to inject a root Path or FileSystem instead of obtaining a reference from a static accessor:

class MyDocumentManager {

  private Path root;

  public void save(String name, InputStream is) {
    var path = root.resolve(name); // ✅ resolves relative to injected Path root
    Files.copy(is, path);

In the second example, the MyDocumentManager type is not coupled to any particular FileSystem; rather, it uses whatever FileSystem the injected Path root belongs to.


There are a handful of other benefits to the java.nio.file APIs that I’ll succinctly list here:

  • Processing directory listings as a Stream
  • Convenience methods for reading files e.g. Files.lines(Path), newInputStream(Path), and newBufferedReader(Path).
  • Watching directories and files for changes.
  • Matching file paths to a pattern (e.g. globbing).

One day, I’ll find the time to expand these bullets into proper headings of their own.


The java.nio.file APIs are not new, but they are to many developers accustomed to using java.io.File. In this article, we explored a handful of reasons why developers should prefer to use java.nio.file instead of java.io.File for file system access on their next Java project.

Johnathan Gilday

Written by Johnathan Gilday. Red Bank, NJ, USA based software developer.

© 2025, Johnathan Gilday