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☕️ Connecting Java's Streaming API for XML (StAX) with Streams

December 15, 2022

I recently had to process large XML documents in Java, so I reached for Java’s Streaming API for XML (StAX). The document had a long list of relatively small elements. Java’s new switch expressions made parsing the XML with StAX much nicer than I remembered; however, I found myself missing the filtering, transformation, and aggregation methods from java.util.stream.Stream.

I wanted to use StAX to parse the XML elements into a Java record, and I wanted to use a Stream to process those records. In this blog post, I detail how to do that efficiently.

Parsing All the Sandwiches

Consider an arbitrarily large XML document containing a list of favorite sandwiches. Of course, we could parse all the favorite sandwiches into a java.util.Collection then call stream(). However, we know this is not efficient, because it requires the JVM to hold all the data from the large XML document in memory.

// 🤢 Inefficient, because it reads all the records into memory before processing
List<FavoriteSandwich> sandwiches = parseAllSandwiches("./sandwiches.xml");
Stream sandwichesStream = sandwiches.stream();

Instead, we want a Stream that parses the XML data as-needed. To build such a stream, we define a new type that implements java.util.stream.Spliterator interface. A Spliterator is the java.util.stream equivalent of a cursor, and it facilitates making new Stream instances from data that can be iterated on and optionally partitioned. In this example, the XML data is given to the Spliterator as an InputStream, so it cannot be partitioned.

class FavoriteSandwichXMLSpliterator
    implements Spliterator<FavoriteSandwich> {

  private final XMLEventReader reader;

  public FavoriteSandwichXMLSpliterator(final InputStream is) throws IOException {
    try {
      reader = factory.createXMLEventReader(is);
    } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
      throw new IOException("Failed to parse favorite sandwiches from XML", e);


The Spliterator parses the XML as-needed in its tryAdvance method.

public boolean tryAdvance(final Consumer<? super FavoriteSandwich> action) {
  while (reader.hasNext()) {
    final XMLEvent event;
    try {
      event = reader.nextEvent();
    } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
      throw new UncheckedXMLStreamException("Failed to read favorite sandwiches from XML", e);
    if (event.isStartElement()) {
      final StartElement startElement = event.asStartElement();
      if (startElement.getName().getLocalPart().equals("favorite-sandwich")) {
        final FavoriteSandwich sandwich;
        try {
          sandwich = readSandwich(); // implementation omitted for brevity
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
          throw new UncheckedXMLStreamException("Failed to read favorite sandwich from XML", e);
        return true;
  return false;

The remaining methods of the Spliterator interface return values that communicate to the Stream that we do not know how long the Stream is and it cannot be partitioned. Finally, all this is encapsulated in a factory method that returns a new Stream.

public Stream<FavoriteSandwich> stream(final InputStream is) throws IOException {
  final var spliterator = new FavoriteSandwichXMLSpliterator(is);
  return StreamSupport.stream(spliterator, false);

This factory method provides the Stream<FavoriteSandwich> that developers want to use while encapsulating the XML parsing that developers do not want to think about. For example, it’s now incredibly simple to compute a count of favorite sandwiches by the U.S. state they’re from:

void stream_all_valid_sandwiches() throws IOException {
  final FavoriteSandwichXMLParser reader = new FavoriteSandwichXMLParser();
  try (var is =
      FavoriteSandwichXMLParserTest.class.getResourceAsStream("/favorite-sandwiches.xml")) {
    var sandwiches = reader.stream(is);
    final Map<String, Long> countByState =
            groupingBy(sandwich -> sandwich.restaurant().state(), Collectors.counting()));

    final Map<String, Long> expected = Map.of("NJ", 2L, "MD", 3L);

Perfect! 🥪

Resource Management Special Case

In the previous example, the Stream<FavoriteSandwich> data was processed entirely within a try-with-resources statement that ensures the InputStream will be closed. While this is ideal, it may not always be possible to manage the IO resources this way. For example, consider the case where some existing method expects a Supplier<Stream<FavoriteSandwich>>. In this case, the Supplier cannot use try-with-resources, because it cannot know when to close the InputStream.

// 🐛 Will close the InputStream before any code can operate on the Stream
Supplier<Stream<FavoriteSandwich>> supplier = () -> {
  try (var is =
      FavoriteSandwichXMLParserTest.class.getResourceAsStream("/favorite-sandwiches.xml")) {
    return reader.stream(is);
  } catch (IOException e) {
    throw new UncheckedIOException(e);

Instead, we want to clean-up the resources when the Stream has been closed. Fortunately, Stream implements AutoCloseable, and the Stream Javadoc instructs users to close streams that are backed by an IO channel.

Streams have a BaseStream.close() method and implement AutoCloseable, but nearly all stream instances do not actually need to be closed after use. Generally, only streams whose source is an IO channel (such as those returned by Files.lines(Path, Charset)) will require closing. Most streams are backed by collections, arrays, or generating functions, which require no special resource management. (If a stream does require closing, it can be declared as a resource in a try-with-resources statement.)

We can take advantage of this to handle this special case where the Stream must clean-up the IO channel it encapsulates.

First, we make the FavoriteSandwichXMLSpliterator implement AutoCloseable. The close() method simply closes the InputStream passed to the constructor and propagates any exceptions as a RuntimeException.

public void close() {
  try {
  } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
    throw new UncheckedXMLStreamException("Failed to close XMLEventReader", e);

In this case, we define a new runtime exception UncheckedXMLStreamException that is the StAX analog to UncheckedIOException.

Lastly, we change the factory that creates the Stream, so that the Stream closes the Spliterator when it has been closed. This is made possible by the Stream.onClose(Runnable) method that allows users to schedule arbitrary routines to be executed when the Stream is closed.

public Stream<FavoriteSandwich> stream(final InputStream is) throws IOException {
  final var spliterator = new FavoriteSandwichXMLSpliterator(is);
  return StreamSupport.stream(spliterator, false).onClose(spliterator::close);

Having made these changes, the Stream itself may be in a try-with-resources to ensure that the IO is closed properly:

void process(final Supplier<Stream<FavoriteSandwich>> supplier) {
  try (var sandwiches = supplier.get()) {


Arbitrarily large streams of data, such as a large XML document, are ripe for processing with the java.util.stream APIs, but developers need way to parse records from the stream as-needed and expose those elements as a Stream. The Spliterator interface is the key that unlocks the power of the Stream API for data that may be processed stream-wise. Additionally, when the Stream must also clean-up the underlying IO resources after it has been exhausted, the Stream.onClose(Runnable) method is available to schedule that clean-up.

The accompanying code may be found at gilday/how-to-stream-stax.

Johnathan Gilday

Written by Johnathan Gilday. Red Bank, NJ, USA based software developer.

© 2025, Johnathan Gilday